"Keith Lazelle's work is among the most original and artistic nature photography in the country. His photos add a singular beauty to our publications."
- Gordon Todd, Communications Mgr
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
"Spare, contemplative images dominate much of Keith Lazelle's work. Incredible colors seem to expand beyond their frames, yet seem wholly contained, inviting further contemplation of the natural world.
It should be no surprise, therefore, that Lazelle's pictures evoke Japanese haiku poetry. As with haiku, his images explore both the subtleties and grandeur of nature's presence."
- Alaska Airlines Magazine

"It is evident that Keith has an intimate knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Northwest, and a deep appreciation for the Hoh River and its surrounds. This puts him in a position to capture the Hoh's fast-moving water in a way nobody else can. He has a strong sense of aesthetic beyond the documentary, which has evolved from his influences and his approach to photography."
- Art Wolfe